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The Warm Up section of this course will examine in detail, all aspects of your training and pre-game warm up preparation. The warm up is the most important and sadly the most abused or neglected part of any exercise/training or pre-game plan.The warm-up has many factors to take in to account, physiological, psychological, team dynamics, and many other important elements. Whilst most people understand the importance of the physiological needs for the game, few give the same importance to the psychological aspects. Possibly from the very first seconds of the game, decisions have to be made, and situations reacted to. So if each player is not fully prepared mentally as well as physically, then the game can be won or lost in those crucial opening minutes. This section will address all the important areas and much more.


What you will Learn in Module 1


Warm Up Preparation
The importance of the physiological and psychological components in your training and pre-game warm up preparation


The Brazilian Warm Up
Learn step by step the Brazilian rhythmic warm up routine, each exercise demonstrated in video.

Warm Up Jog
Heel Touches
Knee Touches
Knee and Heel Touches
Chest arms back, front and clap
Thighs, Chest, Head
Side Step forward
High Kicks
Trunk Twists
Side Jacks
Inside Feet
Side Swings
Thigh, Thigh, Heel, Heel
Back Steps
Sky Stretch


Static Stretching

What exactly is static active and static passive stretching? Learn all about static stretching in this chapter.


Dynamic Stretching
What exactly is Dynamic stretching? You will find out in this chapter.


Isometric Stretching
The fastest method for improving static passive flexibility is through the use of isometric stretching.


PNF Stretching
PNF stretching is a combination of static passive stretching and isometric stretching. Usually the assistance of a partner is required although for some stretches it is not essential. What does PNF stand for? Find out in this chapter.


Pendulum Stretches
Pendulum stretches, describe in detail with individual photographs and demonstrated in video.
Front and Rear Pendulum
Left and Right Pendulum
Half Pendulum


Speed and Reaction Drills
Speed and Reactions drills for pre-game readiness. See each drill in 3-D Graphics and demonstrated in animation.
Speed Drill (1) Facing Front
Speed Drill (2) Facing Each Other
Speed Drill (3) Back to Back
Speed Drill (4) Facing Away
Speed Drill (5) Facing Front Diagonal
Speed Drill (6) Facing Each Other Diagonal
Speed Drill (7) Back to Back Shuffle
Speed Drill (8) Facing Away Shuffle


Pre Training Preparation
Pre-Training Preparation looks at a variety of sample exercises that are performed before training sessions. See each drill in 3-D Graphics.
Pre Training Preparation 1
Pre Training Preparation 2
Pre Training Preparation 3


Variety of Stretches
Library of stretching exercises for each major muscle group, described in detail with individual photographs.
Calf Stretch (1)
Calf Stretch (2)
Hamstring Stretch (1)
Hamstring Stretch (2)
Hamstring Stretch (3)
Hamstring Stretch (4)
Hamstring Stretch (5)
Quadricep Stretch
Rectus Femoris Stretch
Groin Stretch (1)
Groin Stretch (2)
Lateral Hip Stretch
Hip and Back Stretch
Shoulder and Biceps Stretch
Shoulder and Biceps Stretch
Shoulder Chest Stretch
Triceps/Shoulder Stretch
Shoulder Stretch
Chest Stretch
Neck Stretch


Warm Up Activities
A variety of challenging Warm Up activities for small groups. Described in detail with great individual 3-D illustrations and demonstrated in video.

Ball Exchange Throw
Ball Exchange Pass
Ball Exchange 1 Bounce
Juggle One Bounce
Head -Chest- Return
Chest and Volley Return
Group Ball Exchange
Group Passing Exchange
Group Volley Exchange


Goalkeeping Warm Up's
The Goalkeeper Warm Up section shows you the pre-game warm up routines used by the worlds best goalkeepers. Each activity is described in detail with great individual 3-D illustrations.

The Goalkeeper Warm Up
Step One: Stretching
Step Two: Feel for the ball
Step Three: Skipping balls
Step Four: Two servers
Step Five: Two shooters
Step Six: Crosses
Step Seven: Close range
Step Eight: High serves
Step Nine: Two shooters


Basic Kinesiology
Basic Kinesiology provides you with an introductory look at how the bones, joints and muscles work.

Module 2 - Isolation Training

Isolation training is a form of training that is used by many of the top coaches and players worldwide, but is still a “secret” to the majority of the rest.


What you will learn in Module 2


Isolation Training Intro
What is Isolation Training ? and why is it used by many of the top coaches and players worldwide?


Physical/Mental Release Drill
A soccer player at the highest level is required to be athletic, and before they can function to their maximum, they have to release their inhibitions totally. Watch the video demonstration from course instructor - Roger Spry as he performs a series of physical and mental release drills.


Isolation Partner Drills
Continuing from the physical and mental skill drills, these small group exercises are designed to isolate specific techniques while extending each players flexibility and agility. Each drill is described in detail with 3-D illustrations and demonstrated in video.
Seated Partner Drill
Seated Volley Drill
Standing Partner Drills


Game Drills 7 v 7
To raise the level even higher, isolation training can be undertaken in conjunction with normal unrestricted training. This section provides you with fun and challenging exercises such as the; The Vision Game,
The Communication Game, The Forward Passing Game and The Headers and Shots Game.


Module 3 - Speed Development


What is speed, and why is it so important? Why does every coach, want their players to be faster?

It is the maximum capacity of an individual to move from one point to another. This type of speed is primarily genetic, and there is an old saying that ”the only way to be fast is to choose your parents”. Of course this is an exaggeration but unfortunately to a point is true. Every player can improve in relative degrees their pure speed, explore this section and learn how.


What you will learn in Module 3


Speed Development Intro
This chapter explains the many components involved in improving a player’s pure speed.


Team Speed
Modern soccer is faster than ever before, and is a series of random intervals, non-linear movements, with totally random rest periods. Your training and preparation must reflect this totally. Find out how to impose your tempo, and rhythm on the opposition and make them play at your pace.


Speed Drills
Great examples of Pure Speed Soccer Specific Drills. Each drill is described in detail with 3-D illustrations.
Pure Speed Drill
Over and Under Drill


Segment Training
To improve a player’s alertness and adjustment, there is a concept called “Segment Training”. By splitting the body into sections or segments, the coach can put very specific demands on each player, probing for weaknesses and remedying them. Here you will find great examples of drills to teach segment training.

Each drill is described in detail with 3-D illustrations.
Segment Training 1
Segment Training 2


Speed, Agility and Quickness Circuit
The Speed, Agility and Quickness Circuit consists of 8 soccer specific speed, agility and quickness drills. 

This circuit is great for players at all levels of ability. Each drill is described in detail with 3-D illustrations.
Speed/Agility Circuit Intro
Circuit 1 - Forward Ladder
Circuit 2 - Zig Zag Runs
Circuit 3 - Mini Hurdle Hops
Circuit 4 - Four Corner Drill
Circuit 5 - Lateral Ladder
Circuit 6 - Traffic Runs
Circuit 7 - Recover Sprints
Circuit 8 - Agility Drill


Fast Feet Drills
These are great exercises for improving players foot speed and quickness of the player's decision making. Each drill is described in detail with 3-D illustrations.
Fast Feet Drill 1
Fast Feet Drill 2


Running Sessions
This section will introduce you to a large variety of running sessions used by some of the top teams in the world. Each session is described in detail with 3-D illustrations with animation.
The Running Tree Drill
Scotland Runs
Flag Running
Acceleration Running
The Brazil Run
Sprint Sets 1
Sprint Sets 2
Half Field Runs
Liverpool Runs
Shuttle Runs
The "T" Test


Speed Endurance
These speed endurance drills will help you to maintain a higher work rate for longer. They are excellent for improving performance in soccer.
High Intensity Shuttle
Cruise and Sprint
Hollow Sprint
Cross Drill


Speed Training
At any level, speed separates the outstanding players from the average.
So, soccer speed training sessions should play a major role in your training. Speed in soccer can be quite complex. It certainly entails more than just running fast. When you talk about speed in your game, here are some of the attributes that will make you a better player.


Sprinting Technique
By breaking your sprinting technique into its component parts you can focus on and improve specific phases of the action.


Sample Speed Drills
Use these sample soccer speed drills to improve your speed off the mark, acceleration and agility.


Speed of Reaction
Speed of reaction is an important aspect of speed development, and can be improved dramatically at whatever age and level of competence. Speed of thought and speed of adjustment, are two areas which when worked on consistently, produce fantastic improvements. You will discover some great practice sessions in this section for improving each player's speed of reaction and speed of thought. Each drill is described in detail with 3-D illustrations.

Speed of Reaction Intro
Reaction Drill1
Reaction Drill2
Reaction Drill3
Reaction Drill4
Reaction Drill5
Reaction Drill6
Reaction Drill7
Reaction Drill8


Module 4 - Strength Training


Strength Training will allow your players to accelerate quickly, run fast for a long time, reduce injuries and be an all round stronger player. Increased strength permits the player to: produce more powerful contractions (they can accelerate quicker due to a more powerful push-off); produce muscle contractions more rapidly (they can run faster); and do the same work at a lower percentage of their maximum strength (they can continue exercise for a longer period of time). This section will show you a variety of soccer specific strength training programs such as the Body Weighted Circuit, a variety of weight lifting exercises, muscle charts and recommended exercises for each muscle group and training terminology and much more.


What you will learn in Module 4


Strength Training Intro
There are a number of ways to get stronger, but the great debate is; free weights or machines, or bodyweight. How much weight, how many repetitions, what frequency of training, how much rest in between exercises, at what age can my players start progressive resistance training. This section will provide you with all the answers.


Types of Strength Training
In soccer, lower body strength is required for kicking, jumping, tackling, twisting and turning and also forms the foundation for explosive speed. Upper body strength is required for shielding the ball, holding off opponents, throw-ins and also contributes to overall power and explosiveness.


Sample Weight Program
Take just a little time to plan your soccer weight training program correctly and it will certainly re-pay ten-fold on the field.


Strength Drills with the Ball
The objective of these drills is to work on functional strength so the resisting player puts just enough resistance to overload the work of the player with the ball. This is a typical match related scenario, and is very demanding in its nature. Great drills for all players. Each drill is described in detail with 3-D illustrations.
One versus One Running with the Ball 
Two versus One Running with the Ball 


Functional Strength Training
Weight training programs for functional strength are an important component in developing each players maximum athletic potential.


Functional Strength Drills
Functional strength training can be done with very simple equipment, and with the use of a broom handle and an imagination, fantastic results can be achieved. This section provides great strength training exercises using broom handles while working in pairs. Each drill is described in detail with 3-D illustrations.


Free Weights
These compound exercises should be the foundation of any weight training program because they stimulate the most amount of muscle in the least amount of time. They work all of the major muscles used in soccer. 
Complete with anatomical diagram of the anterior and posterior muscle groups


Strength Training Exercises
This section will show you a variety of the most effective strength training exercises. Each training exercise is described in detail with illustrations.
Bench Press
Front Dumbbell Raise
Seated Lateral Raise
Incline Press
Up Right Row
Concentration Curl
Alternate Dumbbell Curl
The Lunge
The Squat
Wide Grip Pull Down


Body Weight Training
As the majority of teams, clubs or players either do not have sophisticated equipment, or are too young to use equipment. Then this type of strength training program can be done by anyone at anytime in anyplace. By using compound exercises as opposed to isolating muscle groups, a greater benefit is achieved. The Body Weight Circuit can be implement inside a gym or outside on the practice field. The great advantage is that there is no need for cumbersome equipment and it provides an excellent work out for your players, any time of the year. Each exercise is described in detail with illustrations and demonstrated in video
BW Dip
Abs (90 Degree Crunch)
Split Squat Jump
Elevated Push Up's
Abs (Plank Hold) 
Alternating Front Lunge
Diamond Push Up's
Abs (Reverse Crunch)
Squat Jumps
Push Up's
Abs (Butter Fly Crunch)


Hypertrophy Program
If your outcome is to transform your physique then these type of weight training programs will give you the best results.


Maximum Strength
Even if you don't consider yourself a top class soccer player, weight training programs designed to develop maximum strength can have a dramatic effect on your performance. Here's why. Almost every sport requires either muscular power or muscular endurance or both. The greater your maximum strength, the more potential power or strength endurance you can develop. There is a big difference between bodybuilding weight training programs and those designed for maximum strength.


Circuit Training
What exactly are the benefits of circuit training? Firstly, if you're committed to getting in shape and improving your fitness level, circuit training offers a complete solution. It can improve your strength and your aerobic fitness as well as burning fat in one workout. And due to its constant variation it is much more interesting than most forms of training.


Power Circuit Training
A well-designed circuit training program is one of the most efficient training modes to improve sport-specific strength and endurance. When are professional players most likely to use a circuit training program? More often than you think. During the 0ff-season or transition phase, it's critical that you avoid doing nothing - especially if you've worked hard to build up your strength and conditioning levels over the previous season.


Dumbell Exercises
This complete collection of dumbell exercises will strengthen tone and build every major muscle group in your body. Dumbell exercises offer some tremendous advantages over traditional resistance machines.


Muscle Chart


Module 5 - Stamina Training

The average distance covered by a soccer player during a game is approximately 11 to 13 kilometers (6.8 to 8.07 miles). This is broken up into a variety of intervals of work and rest. This distance varies in relationship to the position played. No player in the world runs continually for this distance, at whatever pace. Soccer is broken down into many different intensities, and duration of work/rest. No player at whatever level they play at can sprint forever. But the ability to develop aerobic power will affect the percentage of maximum speed that can be repeated. A good aerobic power is the key to sprints in terms of quantity (how many times you can sprint in a game) and quality (without slowing down). This section will provide you with a variety of stamina developing programs that are used regularly by many of the worlds top soccer clubs.


What you will learn in Module 5


Stamina for Modern Soccer
This module will examine the all the important segments that you will need to in order to design a stamina program for the player. One that is soccer specific and not based on myths. These training programs are tried and trusted by the most successful clubs in soccer. Each training session and topic is described in detail with 3-D illustrations.


Endurance Training
Endurance training is essential for soccer, requiring a solid aerobic base -
in order to repeat short, explosive bouts of activity over prolonged periods.
Soccer demands a high level of stamina, so endurance training must form an integral part of your training plan. It can be a great confidence booster when your competitors, even your team mates, start fading and you have reserves to spare.


Exercise Intensity
Most coaches and players use heart rate because it is by far the most practical and easy to measure. In order for you to get the most out of your endurance training a heart rate monitor is essential.


Peak Aerobic Fitness
You could argue that endurance soccer training is the most important element of your conditioning program. And, just as strength training for soccer consists of more than just lifting weights, soccer endurance training involves more than just running continuously.


Understanding your VO2max or aerobic power is key to maximizing your endurance training and performance. So what exactly is your aerobic power and why is it an important factor in athletic training? Find out why.

Anaerobic Threshold Understanding anaerobic threshold will make you a better endurance athlete. If your VO2max is your aerobic potential, your anaerobic threshold determines how much of that potential you tap. More importantly you can improve your lactate threshold considerably with training.


Energy Systems
Whether it's during a 26 mile marathon run or one explosive movement like kicking a ball, skeletal muscle is powered by one and only one compound -- ATP (adenosine triphosphate).


Cardiovascular System
During exercise the working muscles demand more oxygen and more nutrients. Metabolic process speed up. More waste products are produced increasing acidity. Body temperature rises. Combined this leads to an increase demand on the Cardiovascular system.

Varied Running Circuit
Shape Running
Conditioning Drill
The Game within the Game
Fartleck Training
Interval Training
Continuous Running
The Beep Test (with downloadable audio file)
Pyramid Interval Runs
Collective Movement Drill
4 Way Exchange Sprints


12 Month Training Program
Soccer is the total sport and a well-thought-out soccer training program must reflect that. Soccer players must perform with short bursts of power and speed and have the ability to keep going for 90 minutes or more.

First and foremost though, a soccer training program should be individually tailored to your needs and your resources. All the training theory - the perfect 12-month fitness regime - it all flies out the window if you simple don't have the time (or the inclination) to train 3 or 4 days a week. This chapter will provide you with a comprehensive 12 Month Training Program.


Off Season Program
Off season soccer training has two important objectives; 1. Physical recuperation and mental respite from a strenuous season, 2. Minimize any losses in strength and conditioning built up over the year. This chapter will provide you with a sample off season training program.


Module 6 - Flexibility Training

A modern soccer player has to have the flexibility of a dancer, with the speed of the modern game increased dramatically, because of rule changes (the no back pass rule), which has made the game much faster. The modern player has to adjust quicker, to even more and more extreme positions. The speed of the modern game is totally different from 40 years ago, and in 20 years will be unrecognizable from today, but how? Find out when you explore this section of the ICA Fitness and Conditioning for Soccer Course.


What you will learn in Module 6


Flexibility Training Intro
This module will demonstrate, through a series of highly specialized, but extreme exercises, how players can improve their soccer flexibility through a wide range of challenging body positions. Each exercise is described in detail with 3-D illustrations and demonstrated in video.
High Knee Punches
High Flick Kicks
Inside Crescent Kicks
Outside Crescent Kicks
Crescent Kicks Moving
Crescent Kick Arm Extended
Combined Crescent Kicks
Crescent Kicks with the Ball
Flexibility Volley Practice
Extended Technique Drill


Plyometrics bridges the gap between strength and speed. If you want to improve your athletic performance, the transition from strength training to power training will play an integral part in your success. Find out more about Plyometric training in this chapter.


Plyometric Exercises
Use these plyometric exercises to increase your explosive power and athletic performance.

Plyometric Jumps


Raising the Level
This section will introduce you to a variety of practices that can be performed using an exercise step. The activities are taken quite literally onto a new level. All the essential elements of a successful training program are evident, flexibility, agility, rhythm, coordination and timing all have a vital part to play. Each exercise is described in detail with photographs and a great video demonstration.


Flexibility Testing
Here you will find a series of very basic tests to give an indication of a players flexibility levels.
The Sit and Reach Test
The Trunk Rotation Test 
The Groin Flexibility Test 

Module 7 - Rhythm Training

In every sport there is a crucial ingredient that very few people either, see or recognize. Yet it is that one “magic” ingredient that really differentiates the truly great players from the good or very good. It is the ability to “dance”; in every sport there is what is termed “ the dance within the game”. If a player cannot dance without the ball, how is he supposed to be able to “dance” around his opponent or opponents?


All great players and teams in whatever sport, have the ability to dictate the rhythm of the game. By controlling the rhythm of first the individual, then the team, you control the flow of the game, imposing your rhythm on the opposition (individually and collectively) and is of fundamental importance for success.


What you will learn in Module 7


Rhythm and Tempo Intro
If you're training is always of the same rhythm, then each player, and the team becomes very linear and therefore predictable, and this predictability is the "curse" of unsuccessful players and teams. By utilizing rhythm and other variants to your training loads, a genuine flow and grace of movement in time and space is developed, training becomes more productive, more enjoyable and more creative players and teams are produced. This chapter explains how.


Rhythm of the Feet
In rhythm training, the importance of establishing a position from which each individual feels balanced and confident is vital. Improving flexibility will allow greater range and speed of movement around this axis. In this video demonstration you will see the process of establishing a good base, with particular care given to the positioning of the feet. With greater confidence the speed of the movements are increased. As the practice develops the upper body plays a more significant part and allows for greater expression, which can help develop confidence. This section is described in detail and comes complete with a video demonstration.


Rhythm and Music
Training to music is one of the best result producing training methods, and if used correctly will be loved by every player. As each culture has its own rhythmic identity, (the Brazilians, samba, Argentineans, the tango, the Spanish, the fandango, the Portuguese, Fado, and so on, it is vital to work within as many of the varieties as possible to acclimatize your players to whatever and whoever they might come up against in their games.
This section also provides you with a list of recommended music to train too.


Circle Dynamics
This style of organization is excellent for developing the concept of rhythm.
No one feels exposed because no one is isolated. The movement, if lost, can be retrieved quickly by adopting the timing of the group. This training method is described in detail with 3-D illustration and demonstrated in video.


Team Building
Perhaps the most important task of any coach or manager is to fashion the players available into a cohesive unit. These rhythmic exercises are designed to develop team cohesion and rhythm. Initially, working in pairs the practice is steadily developed to take account of increasing numbers. No one is excluded and the success of the exercise relies on the performance of each individual involved. The rhythm and timing has to be harmonized in order to ensure success. This section is described in detail and comes complete with a video demonstration.


Training Music
Download sample training music composed by course instructor Roger Spry.


Module 8 - Mobility Training


Agility and co-ordination are two of the many attributes required to become a successful player. Agility and co-ordination are two of the many attributes required to become a successful player. Compound movements such as dribbling, turning, passing and intercepting often necessitate great accelerative and declarative forces, caused by changes in speed and direction. Also correctly executed skills require good body co-ordination, and an awareness of space and time.


Agility refers to the ability to change the direction of the body abruptly or to shift quickly the direction of movement without losing balance. It is dependant on a combination of factors such as speed, strength, balance and co-ordination. The ability to turn quickly, evade challenges and side-step calls for good motor co-ordination and can be measured using agility tests.


What you will learn in Module 8


Mobility Introduction
Agility and co-ordination are two of the many attributes required to become a successful player. Compound movements such as dribbling, turning, passing and intercepting often necessitate great accelerative and declarative forces, caused by changes in speed and direction. Also correctly executed skills require good body co-ordination, and an awareness of space and time.


Mobility Test and Drills
See some great practice drills for developing and measuring the Mobility, Coordination and Agility of your players. Each exercise is described in detail with 3-D illustrations.

Illinois Agility Run Test
Compound Agility Drill
Over and Under
Zig Zag Slalom
Figure Runs


Mirror Image
Exercises demonstrated in this section are designed to develop technique, flexibility and mobility. However a key aim in all this work is to challenge the creativity of the players. Using variations of the exercises designed to enhance athleticism. The group work in pairs. The object is for the lead player to devise innovative exercises for their partner to mirror. Roles are changed frequently.Each exercise is described in detail with photographs
and demonstrated in video.


Six Soccer Agility Drills
Use these sample soccer agility drills to improve your balance, body control, foot speed and co-ordination.
Soccer Agility Drills
Weave in - Weave Out
Follow the Leader
Box Drill
Mini Shuttle
Super Shuttle


Module 9 - Cool Down's

The Cool Down is an important aspect of training and competition.
It is basically a period of down loading following the stresses of training and competition. The many stresses physiological and psychological, that the training or the game produces have to be ameliorated. Light aerobic activity is recommended at first to remove the by-products of exercise or match play. The Cool Down is also very important in helping to help prevent soreness.


What you will learn in Module 9


Cool Down's
Find out what a "Cool Down" should consist of and the benefits that can be achieved. This section is described in detail with 3-D illustration.


There are countless aids in helping recovery or recuperation, here you will find information on how they can benefit psychologically as well as physiologically.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a familiar experience for the elite or novice soccer player.It is a sensation of discomfort that occurs 1 to 2 days after exercise and can range from slight tenderness to debilitating pain. Find out what causes it and how to prevent it.


Module 10 - Fitness Testing


How do you improve your level of conditioning?

1. Use proven fitness tests to build an profile of your all-round fitness.
2. Compare the results to the demands of your sport and then..
3. Develop a specific training program that strengthens your weak areas while maintaining your strengths.

Then perform the same tests at regular intervals and use the results as feedback to fine-tune your training. No matter what level you coach at, fitness tests should be an integral part of your conditioning regime.

In fact they should be the basis on which your program is built. Every professional soccer player performs fitness tests several times a season and for good reason.


What you will learn in Module 10


Fitness Testing Intro

Strength Tests
One Rep Max
Sit Up and Press Up Test

Speed and Power Tests
Short Term Power Test
Power Maintenance Test

Agility Tests
Illinois Agility Run Test

Explosive Power Test
Standing Long Jump
Standing Vertical Jump

Quickness Test
Hexagon Drill

Endurance Tests
Balke 15 Minute Run
Cooper 12 Minute Run
The Beep Test

Flexibility Tests
Modified Sit and Reach Test
Trunk Rotation Test
Groin Flexibility Test


ICA Fitness and Conditioning Course is the first ever online certification for
soccer fitness training. Successful completion of the course validates that a coach has the background knowledge to efficiently and safely implement a fitness and conditioning regimen for player at all levels. The curriculum of the course is comparable to a three week long residential course and is the most comprehensive program of it's kind.

The ICA Fitness and Conditioning Course is specifically designed to improve the coaches understanding in all the important areas of fitness training.

The program provides all the tools you need to evaluate and develop a top class fitness and conditioning program for your team. You will learn about Warm Ups, Isolation Training, Speed Development, Strength Training, Stamina Training, Flexibility Training, Rhythm Training, Mobility Training, Cool Down's, Fitness Testing and much more.

ICA Fitness Director